Quiz: Is Your Lifestyle Increasing Your Risk of Diabetes?
Diabetes is becoming a common concern worldwide, and surprisingly, lifestyle plays a significant role in its onset. Ayurveda emphasizes that the root cause of diabetes, or Madhumeha, is often linked to unhealthy habits and imbalances in the body. Are you at risk? Take this short quiz to find out how your lifestyle could be impacting your blood sugar levels. The Quiz: Assess Your Diabetes Risk Answer the following questions honestly. Each "Yes" answer may indicate a potential risk factor. 1. Diet Choices Do you consume a lot of processed or sugary foods? Is your daily diet lacking fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains? Do you often skip meals or eat at irregular intervals? 2. Physical Activity Are you physically inactive most days of the week? Do you avoid exercises like walking, yoga, or other forms of physical activity? 3. Stress and Mental Health Do you feel constantly stressed or anxious? Is your sleep pattern irregular, with less than 6–8 hours of sleep daily? 4....